Friday, March 26, 2010

starting Pesach break...

life is spinning pretty beautifully here...

we're on break from ulpan for two weeks because of Passover. so my first day off was on wednesday and was spent mostly at Amanda's...

as a birthday present with her hubby Chanan (her birthday was on wednesday), i slept over the night before and got up with kids so she could sleep until whenever she wanted. Chanan gave her little treats throughout the morning then made her brunch (french toast and fresh carrot/apple/ginger juice!), and i left around 2 - after which they went for a nice mountain drive and played in a river while the kids slept in the car. pretty awesome. :) and that night i went back to amanda's so we could bring and have cake. :) then eyal and i went to a 'school's out!/pesach' party at our friend Yoav's place.

DAY 2/thursday:

i spent some time at amanda's again, came home, fell asleep for a few hours, and was woken to the sweet whisperings of 'let's go on an adventure.'


so eyal and i ended up at the dead sea around 11pm with snacks and a blanket... we (let's be honest here - he) built a fire, and we (this 'we' is acurate) ate baguette and hummus and baba ganoush and cucumbers, then decided just to crash there. so we slept under the stars huddled under a big wooly shawl, woke a bunch of times to stare at the expanse of stars around me, got up around 530, and watched the sun rise over the sea while sitting in a hot spring pool up the way from the seashore. amazing. i got out when it was too hot to endure the sun AND the pool, then napped in the sun. amazing. i woke to find eyal grinning and covered with dead sea mud, looking like quite the creature. he washed off and i took another sit in the pool, then we packed up and drove toward home around 9.

when we stopped to refuel (the car and ourselves) at a gas station/cafe, there was a bus travelling south that had stopped for the same reason as us. and this guy walked from the cafe onto the parking lot and dropped his empty drink bottle on the ground, with the cafe ten feet behind him and a garbage can ten feet in front of him. so, for those of you who knew me well enough, you can only imagine how fuming i became. littering is something that makes NO SENSE to me. it's dirty, disrespectful, wasteful (if the thing is recyclable), and passive. i have no patience for it, so don't ever do it when you're around me. (or at all, really.) there are appropriate receptacles in most civilized areas. and if not, i'm the kind of person who will walk around with garbage and recycling in my bag/pocket/hand for hours/miles/days until finding such an appropriate receptacle. also, admittedly, i will take recyclable items out of the trash (as long as it looks decently non-diseased) and redeposit into - ba ching - an appropriate receptacle. so this guy clearly does none of these things. he stopped to smoke a cigarette before getting on the bus, and as he finished, i took his bottle over and gave it to him. unfortunately, i couldn't sweet talk him and help him to see his error in the friendliest way possible, cause i don't speak hebrew sweet-talk. also unfortunately, he was an a--hole. (i think some adults read this blog...) so i just smiled, offered him the bottle, and pointed to the garbage can. he cursed loudly in hebrew, waving me away, so i put the bottle in the bus on a ledge beside the stairs (it's like a greyhound bus) and started to walk away. the guy - you won't even believe this - started shouting and angrily kicked the bottle out of the bus, perhaps even at me. it didn't quite make it out of the bus, but landed loudly on one of the stairs, so he cursed again and kicked the bottle practically right at me. so i smiled at him (really tried not to laugh - what, are you FOUR or something?) and picked up the bottle and took it back to my picnic spot to put in our garbage bag. it was infuriating and hilarious. eyal said that he's the stereotypical immature macho piggish israeli man. some just turn out that way, i guess. i can understand that; we have that product in American-flavour too.

so now... we're up north in Haifa, at Eyal's dad's place. last night we slept outside again, this time in a little wooded area nicknamed 'the balcony' because it's very high up and looks over a valley and some the city. really beautiful. super windy last night, and today a huge cloud passed right into our area and made everything really eerie. very cool. and tonight is the seder at Savta's house (hebrew for grandmother - her name is Sarah), and ten driving down to Eilat to leave our car in a parking lot and walk across the border into Egypt. we're going to spend 5 days on a beach in Sinai, a favourite vacation spot for Israelis. apparently though, the beach we're going to is great because "there aren't a lot of israelis there." haha.

so updates on seder and Sinai in a week or so.

Chag sameach to all you out there who knows what that means!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

in-between heavy stuff.

so i know i promised more decadent divulgings, like visiting Eyal's family and the insanity of Jerusalem and Israeli politics, but i just posted a juicy post so this is an inbetweeny light and fluffy cupcake, with apple sauce instead of oil.

the landlord won't do anything about the mold in the apartment, nor do we have any solutions for making it less damp in here. i've come to systematically hanging random piles of clothing outside on our line (can you do something systematically to something random?), just so that each piece of clothing can dry out every so often. it's kinda like doing the dishes even though you know you'll be eating off them again soon. plus my mom told me that sun kills mold so hopefully it'll help beyond just keeping things dry. ugh. how gross is mold? ugh.

i'm looking for a job, which in englishified hebrew is this: ani mechapesset avoda. as soon as my resume template lets me have more than 2 previous jobs (we've had a fight about it, he hasn't budged yet but i'll wear him down), i'll have a resume ready to submit to two interesting places, and some other places too. the interesting places are: BCVS, a residential treatment centre for Orthodox women 16-20 with an eating disorder, and this other place that i can't think of the name right now, but it's a centre for kids with special needs. day programs, respite, cool rec facilities and such. or maybe a vegetarian soup place.

as you can see from my brilliant hebrew above, ulpan is going well. i can say a variety of things, some of which are useful; i can use a variety of verbs in a mix of tenses, some of which only if i'm talking to male-identified person. i can say, for some reason, "No way!" and "There's no point" and "You and me, we will change the world." i've found myself sitting between Barrie, a guy in his early 50's i guess who is smiley and jokey and supportive of the Hebrew struggle and non-obnoxious like many other people in the class, and Jeremiah, a guy about my age with no neck and a mediumly-fierce Zionist attitude but he knows i'm against that so he keeps quiet about it. we hung out the park the other day and gossiped about the annoying people in our class, mainly this one British guy in his 30's named Pesach who is constantly seeking attention in a slightly passive way and who's English name is- no joke- Paul Simon. he says he's looking for a wife. i say GOOD LUCK BUDDY.

in vague emotional news, today i'm having a very hard time being here when i know one of my best friend's in the universe is going through a really tough time. it's painful. really really painful.

  • I'm obsessed with this collection of blogs. Don't even go. Your friends will never see you again.
  • My favourite line from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Tom Stoppard): "Hamlet, in love with the old man's daughter, the old man thinks."
  • I just started reading Bernice Chu's blog and i really like it!
  • I made an awesome walnut "cream" sauce for pasta the other night. *gurgle* yum.
  • This is awesome:
  • For some reason I decided to use capital letters where appropriate in this section.
  • Keep an eye out for my soon-to-come picasa album. :)

today i miss: dad, the Shanly house and all its inhabitants.
***Just in case this little section isn't clear, you are ALL in my heart at ALL times... but of course, sometimes people stick out one day, for one reason or another. these are those people.***

my toast is ready. gotta go.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Israel's Hallowe'en

so i've been avoiding posting this entry only because i want to include links to pictures, but i haven't been able to figure out to get photos off my cell phone yet. i still haven't figured it out, but it's just time to post this already.

so as promised, the Purim extravaganza.

it's actually nothing like hallowe'en. people do dress up, but not to scare away evil demons. although, even satan's henchmen would have at least paused on their journey of ill-will to cock an eyebrow at the group of religious guys dressed as a marching band, full out gold lamé pants and hats and jackets, and knee socks and shiny shoes and leather chin straps with buttons I KID YOU NOT. it was amazing. and i saw these guys in one of the most religious neighbourhoods in jerusalem. me'ah she'arim ("one hundred gates"), it's right around the corner from where i live. it's a ghetto there... so grey, so dirty, very poor, built very exclusively upon generations of a few families, they don't really integrate with the rest of israel... there are signs instructing people to dress modestly and every shabbat there are protests against cars, with police and everything. it's quite the place. anyway, this is where i saw the marching band. so people let loose on Purim. (oh Purim, is a 3-day holiday celebrating the deliverance of the Jews from planned mass extermination by Haman, a high-ranking political minister of the Persian Empire, a really long time ago. like 6th century BCE.) it's mitzvot (a mitvah is like a good deed - 1 mitzvah, 2 or more mitzvot) to leave food out for people who live on the street, save money to give to less fortunate people, and prepare treat parcels for your friends. also, it's advised that you drink hard liquor, and public drunkenness is actually celebrated and seen as a display of joy during the holiday season. be boisterous, all! it's really awesome.

we stayed home and watched Weeds.

we're really obsessed. it's bad.

But i did participate a little bit! the week before, I made hamentaschen for treat baskets with Amanda at her place. I seriously hadn't eaten or even looked at those since I ate a strawberry one in preschool at Temple Har Zion with my cousin Ilana. How I remember that is completely unknown. They turned out awesome - I was very impressed with myself, especially since the fate of the dough was a bit unclear when it was first made. Amanda and I made a filling of apples, dates and some kind of nut... i forget which. maybe brazil? anyway, it was delicious. Eyal said it didn't taste anything like hamentaschen he'd ever had before, but he'd never had a homemade one, so i'll take it as a compliment that it doesn't taste store-bought. plus, i stacked them in a jew-friendly shape. [photo to come.] another proud moment for me. 'cause i like puzzles.

oh and also, we went to Beit Zayit again for brunch, Purim-themed (so Eyal and i just dressed up in whatever, some silly stuff), then went chasing floods in the desert but didn't really find any. but we took a bunch of pics... the first ones are Eran's ceiling caving in (you see all his drums under his homemade porch a little later in the set), then there's general craziness (including rocking out on air guitar to Queen - you will probably spot these), and visiting some awesome spots looking out into the abyss. Present are: Eran (short hair, big smile, usually wearing my poncho), Eli (longer hair, on Eyal's shoulders a lot), Eyal (looking geeky in the neon checked shirt), Leon (furry, tail, cute) and me (the girl of the bunch).

so that's it for that.

today i miss: Sally, Broo, mom, Lon


p.s i made an awesome walnut "cream" sauce a few days ago. with garlic and fresh cherry tomatoes... *gurgle* it was "ta'im"! (which means tasty.)